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Getting started

Subject: Getting started
From: "J. Graham" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 17:22:20 -0600

I have a 1968 TR4A that is in need of some work (engine, electical,
upholstery, etc) and I am wondering what is the best way to go about
fixing her up.  I have little experience with any sort of automotive
repair or restoration, but I want to learn so that I can do it myself. 
I consider myself to be very good with manauls and can figure things out
quite quickly.

What is the best way to do this?  Should I see if there are any
introductory automotive courses available at the local vo-tech?  I have
the Haynes Manaul for the car... can I just start going through that and
dive into the car?  How about tools, what do I need to spend in that

Am I crazy... should I just take it to a mechanic?

Thanks in advance,
-Jonathan Graham
TR4A in Montana

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