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FW: Overheating Prob's (Spit)

To: Triumphs List <>
Subject: FW: Overheating Prob's (Spit)
From: "Vincenti, Ross" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 96 07:57:00 PDT
Encoding: 30 TEXT
Richard Jackson wrote:

Has anyone ANY idea what my problem could be(No, wait until you all hear the
actual problem before answering :-)), My '73 Spitfire 1300 is always showing
3/4 or MORE on the temp guage, often nearer to the red mark.  I have fitted 
full width early Herald Radiator(No improvement at all), new thermostat and
new fan belt, the car does suffer from fuel vaporising if I switch it off 
leave it a few minutes before restarting.  ps, if I take the thermostat out 
the guage reads about 1/4.


Rich - gee whiz, my first thought is that the Herald radiator you installed 
was a second hand unit and was not brand new, correct?  If "yes", have you 
had it rodded out and dipped?   If "no", have you checked the water pump? 
 It may have an obstruction, or may not be moving the coolent through as 
well as it should.  Third, have you checked the "new" thermostat to make 
sure it opens at the proper temperature?  Stick it in a pan of hot water on 
the stove with a candy thermometer to measure the temp.  The fact that 
removing the thermostat lowers the temperature significantly suggests that 
there is a blockage somewhere, and that the thermostat simply adds to the 
blockage even when fully opened.  Also, check the hoses.  Good condition? 
 If not, one of them may be collapsing part or all of the way under flow, 
thus adding to the obstruction problem.  Last - consider an electric fan.

Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire 4 (undergoing surgery)

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