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Re: Squealing Spitfire- Help!

Subject: Re: Squealing Spitfire- Help!
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 1996 20:25:25 -0400
In a message dated 96-08-17 13:16:00 EDT, you write:

<< Hello 
 I'm really hoping that someone out there can help me.  I have just 
 finished a head gasket replacement on my Spitfire.  After fitting 
 both manifolds (my most hated job), adjusting valve clearances 
 refilling the oil and coolant, I started it up.  I'm now faced with a 
 car that starts, idles, and accelerates fine.  Problem?  The Spit now 
 has a pronounced high piched squeal when the throttle is partly 
 depressed while clutch is engaged i.e. when I'm travelling at any 
 steady speed - no acceleration or deceleration.  Under any medium-hard 
 acceleration the car is fine. 
 Some other info:
 Oil was changed after head gasket replaced -some coolant had spilled 
 into engine.
 Sound is coming from the rear of the engine (I think)
 Car is running twin Webers >>


Does the sound change if you push in the clutch pedal? Maybe the throw out
bearing is going out.

Try putting a mechanics stethoscope (about $8-10 locally) on the alternator
and water pump. One of those bearings could be going bad. The sound would
change with the fan belt speed.

Hope that helps, 
Charlie B.

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