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Squealing Spitfire- Help!

Subject: Squealing Spitfire- Help!
From: "Andrew Murchison" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 1996 20:20:10 +0000
Comments: Authenticated sender is <>
Priority: normal
I'm really hoping that someone out there can help me.  I have just 
finished a head gasket replacement on my Spitfire.  After fitting 
both manifolds (my most hated job), adjusting valve clearances 
refilling the oil and coolant, I started it up.  I'm now faced with a 
car that starts, idles, and accelerates fine.  Problem?  The Spit now 
has a pronounced high piched squeal when the throttle is partly 
depressed while clutch is engaged i.e. when I'm travelling at any 
steady speed - no acceleration or deceleration.  Under any medium-hard 
acceleration the car is fine. 
Some other info:
Oil was changed after head gasket replaced -some coolant had spilled 
into engine.
Sound is coming from the rear of the engine (I think)
Car is running twin Webers

 I'm puzzled and worried that I'm going to lose some very expensive
 engine components soon so any advice would be welcome.
Thanks in advance
Andrew Murchison
'78 Spitfire currently a lawn ornament-again
Am I losing it, Is my car about to explode,

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