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Re: TR6 Clutch

Subject: Re: TR6 Clutch
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 1996 17:00:09 -0500 (CDT)
> 1. I am not sure how far back the trans must be moved in order to free
> the input shaft from the engine (flywheel?). Is it 1 inch, 2 or what?

It's just a few inches, not much.

> 2. How do I move the driveshaft out of the way? I removed the four bolts
> but the driveshaft still stays connected. I'm not sure if it is sitting
> on a lip in the trans rear (or the trnas rear is sitting on a lip in the
> driveshaft). Does one just pound the driveshaft towards the rear of the
> car? If so how hard?

With the four bolts disconnected from the flang, let the drive shaft and 
flange drop 'till they are resting on the frame.  You should be able to 
push the drive shaft toward the rear of the car by at least 1". I wouldn't
do much pounding - check to see if the splines are crapped up. 

> 3. The rear trans mount (the one which has the rubber part for shock
> absorbtion) has two bolts angled up at 45 degrees towards the middle of
> the car and two pointing straight down towards the bottom. The nuts are
> fairly easy to remove from the two angled bolts, meaning the top part of
> the mount (the part immediately above the rubber part) will come away
> with the trans. Is this the way it's done? I will need to lift the rear
> of the trans first before I can start moving it backwards in order to
> clear the two angled bolts. Is this the way it's done or will I bend the
> input shaft?

I found there was no need to remove the mounts from the frame, just unbolt
the two bolts holding the trany to the mounts.  Yes, you will have to lift the
rear of the trany a bit, but that won't cause any problems.

> 4. How much does the trans weigh once its free. (Mine has the J O/D).

The trany without the O/D weighs about 40 lbs (I'm guessing from memory).  It
wasn't too bad for one person to heft.  NOTE:  All preceeding comments were
made reguarding my experience with a non O/D trany, I don't know what 
peculiarities the O/D might present. 

Mike Morelli
Houston TX
H: 713.532.1646
W: 713.483.1447

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