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Re: Pinking Spitfire

Subject: Re: Pinking Spitfire
From: Jonathan Miles <>
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 1996 09:37:24
Organization: The University of Birmingham
Priority: normal
> my 1500 is pinking under medium load (away from junctions and up hills etc.
>  The timing is spot on 10 BTDC, the carbs are balanced and set for 4 percent
> emissions and the advance unit is working (when I suck the pipe).
> What can I do to stop my pinking?  what have I missed?.
> Cheers,
> Chris.
> -- 
> -- 1977 Spitfire 1500...Everyday/Only Driver.

Hi Chris,

Assuming that you don't use unleaded petrol (in which case 10 BTDC 
will be too far advanced), you've probably got a build up of carbon 
on the spark plugs, cylinder head or both. Try cleaning up the plugs 
first. If that doesn't work you may need a decoke.  Other possible 
causes are: 1. use of the wrong plugs and 2. Timing gear 
replaced/overhauled and not refitted accurately, therefore timing 
marks on pulley are meaningless.  My Spit. is in the latter condition 
so I set up the timing so that it just doesn't pink in 4th gear at 
low speed up a steep hill. Seems to work fine.

Hope this helps,


Spitfire 1500 

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