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Dead Car

Subject: Dead Car
From: "Chris Boston" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 1996 07:39:29 +0100
I had my car MOTd (anual roadworthy test - uk law for all cars over three years
old) last week, while I was on holiday(vacation).  On monday I drove to work no
problem, then I coudn't start it to go home, needless to say I'd been working
late, so this was at about 9.30 pm.

I phoned my wife, and asked her to bring a set of jump leads down, and at 10pm
we started the car at the first jump.

half way home (about three miles) the car just died and refused to move, not
even enough juice to work the hazzard lights.

give in I thought, so I called the AA (Automobile Association) to get a tow
truck and mechanic to me.

at 0015 the guy arrived and attached his monster jump leads - Nothing.  after
about five minutes, we were talking and I mentioned the MOT, he asked what was
done...New UJ and a bit of welding to the floors I said.  Hmmm he said,
welding...MIG by any chance?  yes I replied cautiously.  Hmmm he said.

thirty seconds later he'd diagnosed the problem and fixed it. - The bright
spark that did the welding had been kind to me - he'd disconnected the
altenator to avoid sending any large electrical spikes to it while welding,
unfortunately he'd forgotten to reconnect it afterwards.  I was not happy!

Picture the scene...1.30 in the morning and I'm driving around a large
industrial plant (because the police don't come and check your speed there) for
about half an hour, tired and hungry, trying to get some charge back into the

The welder is going to get a few choice words when I see him next.

Thanks for letting me unburdon and sorry if I bored you,


-- 1977 Spitfire 1500...Everyday/Only Driver.

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