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Plot or Paranoia ??

Subject: Plot or Paranoia ??
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 00:29:06 -0400
In a message dated 96-08-01 19:43:32 EDT, you write:

<< Subj:        RE: The Elusive TR6 Motor
 Are you the one who's looking for a motor?  Guy here in NC is giving one 
 away.  E-mail me if you want to know more.  John Middlesworth
I've never been considered a lucky kind-o-guy, but come on !
Two sides of one theory come to mind. The East Coast has a large Triumph
Attracting monolith buried there, or I personally, am a Triumph repelling
avatar ! Either way, this is getting ridiculous. I have gotten replies from 5
people with a motor. Four of these are about as far away from me as you could
possibly get and still be in the USA (I won't even count the Canadian
responses) What happens to all the West Coast TR's ?

Nick@Grassy Knoll.Plot

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