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Re: That old Triumph aroma...

Subject: Re: That old Triumph aroma...
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 1996 20:41:01 -0400
In a message dated 96-08-01 16:11:21 EDT, you write:

<< My God, I'm not the only one who is in love with the smell of my 6!! The
 car was in storage for 13 years and when I got it home it smelled the same.
 I took it apart, put it back together, and even with the new interior, it
 still smells the same. Some kind of musty, warm smell that is not
 unpleasant at all. I think I'll go home and sit in it (it's raining too
 hard to drive it). >>

That familiar, slightly musty car smell extends to all convertibles, and
particularly to ones with leather (sorry, all you TR-6 guys -- TR-3's smell
better!!).  God, I miss my MGTC too -- wood floorboards add a bit, too, as
did 20 years of use (when I bought it).  The faint smells of gear oil, engine
oil, gasoline, leather, and old convertible tops still brings back memories
of late-night drives along winding roads through central Indiana with an old
flame...  Then there was the slight burned-wood smell from the pinholed
muffler that lit my floorboards on fire one night -- talk about driving with
an old flame ;-)  Should've seen the look on the face of the gas-pump
attendant when I flew into a station and jumped out (of the right side of
course) asking for water because my car was on fire -- and he was holding the
gas nozzle!!!


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