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Re[2]: That old Triumph aroma...

Subject: Re[2]: That old Triumph aroma...
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 96 13:43:48 PST
     I like to park my TR6 in the garage after a hard run, then enjoy the 
     smells every time I go back out to the garage for the next few hours. 
     I also use its odors as a diagnostic tool - they can tell you a lot 
     about how healthy the car is, particularly the cooling, oil, fuel and 
     exhaust systems. Then under that, like the finish on a fine wine, are 
     chassis odors from the trans, diff and tires and interior odors from 
     carpets, seat foams etc. Let your LBC speak to you through all your 
     Jim Sudduth
     '74 TR6 CF29976U

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Subject: Re: That old Triumph aroma...
Author: at smtpcc1
Date:    8/1/96 12:42 PM

Larry wrote - 
<<Milo, don't complain about a little smell! That's part of the character of 
these old cars.>>
SO TRUE - my wife owned a '76 TR6 in college - where we met in 1977.   We 
traveled all over the Northeast in that car - etc etc.
Well - mostly because of sentimental reasons attached to that car I bought 
her a '74 TR6 last August.  The first and STRONGEST thing that evoked a 
strong nostalgic emotion was the SMELL of the TR6.   It is said that smells 
will cause the mind to remember things quicker than any of our other senses 
and it is certainly true when it comes to the smell of a TR6.
I still enjoy getting into the car just for the smell.

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