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Re[2]: That old Triumph aroma...

To:, (Philip E. Barnes)
Subject: Re[2]: That old Triumph aroma...
From: "Jim Sudduth" <>
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 96 13:46:19 PST
     Yes, there's a seductive magic in that aroma. I would have named my 
     car Christine except that it's a male car and doesn't seem to have 
     Christine's evil nature (but let's not start that thread again!).
     Jim Sudduth
     '74 TR6 CF20076U

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: That old Triumph aroma...
Author: (Philip E. Barnes) at SMTPCC3
Date:    8/1/96 1:08 PM

Joe says:
>I still enjoy getting into the car just for the smell.
My God, I'm not the only one who is in love with the smell of my 6!! The 
car was in storage for 13 years and when I got it home it smelled the same. 
I took it apart, put it back together, and even with the new interior, it 
still smells the same. Some kind of musty, warm smell that is not 
unpleasant at all. I think I'll go home and sit in it (it's raining too 
hard to drive it).
Philip E. Barnes       '71 TR6  CC61193L 
Cornell University
Newman Laboratory of Nuclear Studies 
Ithaca, NY 14853

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