Fellow Motorheads,
What if Leyland had been watching their production process with a Detroit-
calibrated cheapness eyeball, and just deleted those durn R brake drum
screws, maybe it would have made the difference in their ability to turn
a profit....maybe they woulda just gone with the Rover V-8 instead of the
built-from-scratch Stag engine, based on the lowly screw precedent, and
then maybe we wouldn't have to spend so much time chasing orphan parts,
and see so many long faces at parts counters sadly repeating, " No, they
ain't made them in years." What if....those little countersunk screws
were what counterSUNK Leyland??? Could THIS be it ???
Working late again...now, I must be off.
Claude Hopper
Lee-Enfield .303
TR-6 R (650cc)