Hi Ron,
FWIW there's a picture of the steering rack special tool in the Roadster
Factory master parts book for my TR-250, pp 216,217, plate DR
I'm guessing there's a similar picture in the TR-6 parts catalog, too.
However, the 1996 (red) price list does not show it, which means that
it's not available.
The tool looks like a piece of threaded rod with special brackets at the
ends , one LH, one RH; these would engage the bushing clamps to hold them
while you tighten down the clamp hardware.
Phil said earlier that he installed his steering clamps without the tool,
with good results. So did I, on a friend's TR-6, using just a C-clamp,
and if I remember right, a drill bit...this improvisation, I think, came
from the one suggested in the Haynes manual, but I don't have it with
me to check.
Good luck, and keep the rubber side down on the pavement.
Tom Tweed
Miami Valley TRiumphs
SW Ohio