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Re : General O/D question

To: Triumph list <>
Subject: Re : General O/D question
From: GB79fyR9 <100304.2046@CompuServe.COM>
Date: 26 May 96 09:25:21 EDT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Philip E. Barnes) wrote :
All this overdrive talk has got me wondering. Back in the good ol' days we
modified a Volvo overdrive to work in 2nd,3rd and 4th gears by a simple
modification to the springs. This, coupled to a close-ratio 'box, gave our
rally car a 7-speed gearbox that had a gear for any situation. Anyone know
if this can be done on the Triumph overdrives?
Philip E. Barnes       '71 TR6  CC61193L
The only problem is that 3rd overdrive and 4th are almost identical
Dave (who needs 3rd O/D anyway?) Massey
*I* need 3rd O/D
On Spitfires, OD works in 3rd and 4th gears. YES, 3rd is very useful for a
normal road use. You're driving at 75mph on the road (we're in France), in
4th/OD, then cross the village in 3rd/OD, then again in 4th/OD.. you don't have
to disengage/engage again the OD (which is so tiring).
It's easy (on Spitfires, not enough experience on TR's) to permit the engagement
of the OD in second, you just have to modify the electrical switches on the box
cover. BUT it will not work ! You will be able to *engage* the OD, but it will
jump in and out because there is not enough oil pressure in second inside the OD
to maintain it engaged. It's not my own experience but  ones of one of our
(reliable) club's member  .. Has anyone had the same ?

Francois 'would write more if had enough English in is pen' Demont
1968 Spitfire MK 3, every day car

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