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Re:Australian "whip"

Subject: Re:Australian "whip"
From: (Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles )
Date: Fri, 24 May 96 15:50:04 EDT

 To:    Triumphs List,          Inet    

On Tues, D.Hickman wrote: I have just finished  > rebuilding the
calipers on my Australian Herald 12/50  coupe  > and I think that 
I may  need to replace the flexible brake  > hoses.  I  was
wondering whether I should go for rubber or  > stainless steel
braided  hoses.   Are their any benefits of one  > over the other?
 In  Australia, the stainless steel hoses are  > illegal for road
use on post 1970  cars  as they fail the  'whip' test.   > As my
car is a 1965 model, I can legally use them.   > Any  > comments
would be appreciated.

And then Ken asked  . . . . . . 
Please elaborate on the WHIP test. This seems a little strange.


Yes, I too am curious about the "Whip" test.  Does it involve any
bondage?  Leather straps?  Handcuffs?  Please advise, my
imagination is running wild with the possibilities!  (see what
happens after 5 years of marriage . . . . . .)

Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire (undergoing surgery)

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