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Re:TR6 compression

Subject: Re:TR6 compression
From: (Karl Theis 1-2573)
Date: Thu, 23 May 96 12:58:36 MDT
In regards to the TR6 w/ weak compression in #2 and #3 cylinders, I too vote 
for a blown head gasket.  Last year my GT6 suffered from ROUGH running - a 
compression test discovered 50 psi in the #2 and # 3 cylinders.  Off went the
head, and amazingly enough I found a burn through in the head gasket about
1/8" wide between #2 and #3.  Perhaps the TR6 w/ 110 psi in #2 and #3 suffers 
from just a slight break in the head gasket?
Karl Theis

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