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Re: brake piston inserting

Subject: Re: brake piston inserting
Date: Fri, 17 May 1996 16:28:49 -0400
In a message dated 96-05-16 09:10:01 EDT, thompson@ridgeback.East.Sun.COM
(Keith B. Thompson - Sun) writes:

>ok, now that you have mentioned it, and before i take the old
>ones out... how do you get the pistons (new ones) back in?


I forgot what model you have.

The late model TR6's are fairly easy.  You just istall the seal, and install
the piston.  The tricky part is the dust boot.  Since the seals must be
streached a bit they tend to jump out of the grove.

The earlier ones are trickier.  The earlier calipers (and many other model's)
use a groove in the the cylinder bore.  That means you install the fluid seal
and the dst boot and THEN install the piston.  Since the boot must be
streached over the piston and the boot tends to want to go down the bore in
front of the piston, trying to insert the piston and not push the boot down
the hole is difficult.

One trick is to use a small amount of compressed air to keep the boot
inflated and out of the way while installing the piston.

Note that most American car calipers work the same way.

have fun and keep repeating "this is a learning experience.  this is a
learning experience".

Dave (Practice makes perfect" Massey

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