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Re: Running out of oil?

To: JLAIFMAN@PNM.MHS.CompuServe.COM (Jay Laifman)
Subject: Re: Running out of oil?
From: Don Haw <>
Date: Wed, 15 May 96 7:33:40 EDT
Mailer: Elm [revision: 70.85]
> I read an article today in the LA Times that mentioned that the US owned
> oil fields are running out of oil.  I remember years ago naysayers warning
> about oil and gas running out in 35 years.  But, it always seemed to be 35
> years, even 5 years later.  Does anyone have any current information on
> the topic?  Will it really be in our lifetime?  Looking out my window at
> all the cars going by day and night all the time, makes the thought of
> the drastic changes it will ultimately bring unfathomable.
> Jay 
> Jay S. Laifman
> Pircher, Nichols & Meeks
> 1999 Avenue of the Stars
> Los Angeles, California 90067
> (310) 201-8915

I heard just yesterday that the US has more in their fields than once thought.
Also, we get 50% of our oil from oversees.

Don Haw
76 Spit

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