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fast idle screws

Subject: fast idle screws
From: (Chris Boston)
Date: Sun, 12 May 1996 15:38:00 +0000
Hi folks, it's been a while, but my car has been off the road while I
rebuilt the Carbs.  (And I do mean rebuilt...see the B.L. manual for a
description of what I did).  Anyway, new spindles, butterflies, springs,
jets (conversion from waxstats), needles, float-needles eight washers (that
were missing due to a d.p.o. bodge) and three weeks later, I am back on the

Can I take a moment to thank Steve at MOSS parts (Stockport UK) for holding
my hand through the operation despite being told off by his boss for doing

The car is now purring like a kitten when it is warm (I now know why I had
problems balancing the carbs before), but I can't get fast idle!  If
anybody sees me stalling at every set of lights on Chester road, it's
because I'm trying to keep fast idle with my foot on the accelerator (and
its hard under braking).

The problem seems to be with the fast idle cams...I can get a sweet fast
idle, perfectly ballanced at 1200 rpm, but when I release the choke, there
is still some pre-load  I am wondering if the cams could have worn, so that
the screws have to be further out than normal at the fast idle position.

Does anybody have any experience of this problem, and what can I do to
rectify it?  I have thought of filing the cams to remove the touching bit
when the choke is disengaged, but this sems like cheating.  In the
meantime, I've backed the screws well out of the way, so that only the jets
are affected by the choke, and I have to use my foot for the faster idle.



--  " What is the use ", asked Alice, " of a book with no pictures? " --

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