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Re: The great state of New Jersey

Subject: Re: The great state of New Jersey
Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 19:25:16 -0400
In a message dated 96-05-09 15:15:34 EDT, writes:

>To Bill Sohl, and the rest of you folks:
>Is the state of New Jersey really as stupid  as to think people will stand
>idly and have their cars confiscated? 
>I call everyone attention to this morning's Wall Street Journal... Page
>A18... Whew... this is scarry!

A warning to those of you blissfully unaware:
The article referred to above is entitled "Coming Soon: A Plan to Confiscate
Your Car" and refers to New Jersey's auto emission law passed to comply with
1990 Federal clean air act. If I'm not mistaken, a similar law here in PA
went away after a public outcry.
Those of you ranting about driving ages, driving laws, and Charles Runyan's
silly bear and his other childish fantasies should devote similar energy to
this threat as it poses far more serious danger to our cars and hobby.

Emitting dangerous hot gases myself,
Jack Mc
!973 TR6 CF870U (world's longest running TR6 restoration) 
If i'm not mistaken 

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