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Re: Driving Tests, etc.

Subject: Re: Driving Tests, etc.
From: "John W. Hazelton" <>
Date: Wed, 8 May 96 11:15:04 PDT
  Joseph M. Kramlinger <> writes:

> I've only had one accident on a road.  My ratty '77 300D 
> slid into a pristine '83 380SL one day in the rain... it was
> completely unavoidable in a two-ton car riding on a slicked
> road coming to a stoplight.

 Actually, based on your description, it sounds as though the
 accident *was* avoidable.  Driving safely involves allowing
 an adequate amount of room between you and the car ahead of
 you to allow a safe stop.  Taking into account the weather
 conditions, the mass of the car, its braking requirements, and
 other conditions, it is incumbent upon every driver to give
 himself room to stop without hitting the car ahead of him.

 Perhaps there were other circumstance you haven't related (e.g.,
 the other driver cut in front of you then slammed on his brakes,
 without allowing you time to create a proper buffer zone
 between cars). 

> Cops came to write up accident but didn't give me a ticket because
> they could see I had been driving UNDER (!) the limit and the prick
> I hit admitted the same. 

 You were fortunate.  However, just because the cops didn't cite
 doesn't mean the accident was unavoidable.

 I don't mean this as a flame, but I had a similar accident at about
 the same age, and I engaged in the same sort of rationalization
 about it.  I realized a few months later that I was just fooling
 myself, and that I should have allowed more room between my car and
 the car I hit.

--John Hazelton
  Los Angeles, CA, USA

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