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Re: TR6 - Reconditioned window guides - save $$$ ??

Subject: Re: TR6 - Reconditioned window guides - save $$$ ??
From: aj253@rgfn.epcc.Edu (Tony Robinson)
Date: Mon, 6 May 96 23:36:39 MDT

>Hi again,
>Whilst the '72 is in a zillion pieces, I figured on making a few 
>'improvements'.  My windows have been a bit sloppy, so I got out TRF's 
>handy catalog, and find that each guide is a mear $29.00 !!!(1996 Glove 
>Box Companion).  It looks like the metal U-guide has some heavy duty felt 
>or short napped fabric glued to it, with a rubberized backing. (Mine's 
>totally shreded).  Anyone found a suitable replacement fabric for this 
>and reconditioned their own?  An alternate source??
>Rick (hey, that rhymes with Nick, so I guess I can be cheap. too! ;> )

Trot right down to your local vinyl and fabric store and ask to see 
whatthey have. Most carry silly little things like window channel and 
windlace covered with vinyl to match the color of your car or interior.
 Most of the window channel is sold by the foot. Certainly a lot cheaper 
than mail-order.
 If you can't find it, drop me a line and we'll arrange for you to send 
me a piece of what you need and I'll get it and send it to you. Of 
course, you have to pay for it. 
 I admit to being cheap too. I'm not free, but I can be had.
Best Regards,

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