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Re: Spitfire Twin Carburetters Manifold

Subject: Re: Spitfire Twin Carburetters Manifold
From: I J Palmer <>
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 09:10:40 +0100
> Does someone know if there is a manifold to transform a single carb. Spit.
> in a dual carb. form. I know there is a MG midget wich have  two carbs.
> Will that manifold fit on a 1500 Spit?
> Thank you
> J.G.Catford
> Quebec
> Canada
> Yes there manifolds made,but they are for webers and you would need to
> convert to webers for those manifolds.  I don't know of any others made.
> hope this helps

All UK Spits were fitted with twin SU carbs, the 1500 was fitted with 
twin 1.5 SUs. So yes, they are available, at least on this side of 
the pond!


Dr Ian Palmer                    | Graphics & Image Processing Group
Email:     | Department of Computing
Tel:   +44 (0)1274 385132        | University of Bradford, BD7 1DP UK
Fax:   +44 (0)1274 383920        |

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