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adjusting valves... (fwd)

Subject: adjusting valves... (fwd)
From: (Peter Barrance)
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 1995 18:00:10 -0500 (EDT)
>  My car is continuing to cut off... it does it more frequently now and when
> it happens I can smell gas.  I have decided to go ahead and try to tune it
> up myself.  In looking over the Haynes manual, the only thing that looks
> like I could easily screw up is checking/adjusting the valve clearances.
> Actually, that is not true...I'm sure I could really mess  up my carbs
> too...!  Anyway, I am looking for any tips/recommendations on the best way
> to do this.  Thanks again for all the input so far.
> Jon Moody '73 TR6

First, sounds like you've got some sort of fuel leak you should address. As far 
the valves, the only thing that held me up as a novice was turning the motor
accurately to where I needed it. Just need to pull plugs and put in top gear, 
car. The clearances are specified cold, bear in mind.

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