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Spitfire Pwr Brks

Subject: Spitfire Pwr Brks
From: (Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles )
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 95 19:54:16 EDT
 To:         Inet    

I need information concerning the brake system on late Mk. I
Spitfires.  I picked up a 1964 Spit Mk. I that is about to undergo
a total frame off resto. and it has an interesting feature.  The
car has a power brake booster which apparently was a dealer
installed option back in the mid-sixties.  My Haynes manual makes
no reference to it at all, but I have another manual from a
different publisher which devotes about one paragraph to the
subject noting that the booster "was available as a dealer
installed accessory."  It appears to be a Kelsey-Hayes or Bendix
unit.  Anybody ever seen one of these on a Spit before?? Frankly
it's a little puzzling why it would be necessary on a car that
weighs about 1,600 lbs. soaking wet.  Anyways, all comments would
be appreciated.

Also, anybody ever removed a Mk. I body from the frame in order to
paint/restore the car?  Is it difficult?  Should I even bother? 

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