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Re: TR3 Front Brake Calipers

Subject: Re: TR3 Front Brake Calipers
From: Marcus Tooze <>
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 1995 08:57:22 -0500
> The calipers are cast iron and apparently of two piece construction. In other
> words, the caliper halves can be separated, although research indicates it is
> not a good idea to do so.  My calipers do not have an end plug as shown in
> the Service Instruction Manual.  I have successfully removed the bleed screw
> and flexible pipe.  The pistons are protruding out of the cylinders
> approximately 1/8 inch.  The calipers are currently soaking in a brake fluid
> bath and have been for several days.  Does anyone have and ideas about the
> best way to get the pistons free.  All thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
> Jack Pepper
1) Find a friend with a BIG compressor. Buy some rubber tips for his air gun.
Then blow down the hole and see if they will pop. Use VERY high pressure.
Keep your hands out of the way too! This will usually get one out. Then you
have to cover the piston hole with your hand and stuff a rag between your 
hand and the other piston, and blow again. Take care. If that piston pops and 
theres nothging but the calliper, then your hand, then the piston, it can
be very painful. 

2) use an torch to very quickly heat around the outside of the piston cup.
Then try the blowing trick.

3) soak in diesel

4) split the calliper. Some peop[le say they have done it with sucess.


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