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To: Triumph owners list <>, TRGang <>
Subject: Bownes
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 95 10:00:57 EDT
Comments: Converted from PROFS to RFC822 format by PUMP V2.2X
I stopped by the hospital to visit Dr. Bobwrench on Saturday. His
condition was improved to the point where they were talking about
kicking him loose on Monday. Which they did. He's home now and that
put him in better spirits. He'll still be on medication for three
weeks (I think) and will pretty much be confined to the homestead.
My guess is that he'd like to hear from his friends. (He is checking
his e-mail from home.) He's pretty bummed about missing VTR.
Anyway, he looks and sounds a lot better than he did last week.


Rik Schlierer                 "Weekends don't count unless you
RGS03@HEALTH.STATE.NY.US         spend them doing something
NYS DEPT OF HEALTH, ALBANY NY  completely pointless" (Calvin)

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