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Re: TR6 oil press indication

Subject: Re: TR6 oil press indication
From: (Gary Schneider)
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 95 11:10:39 CDT
William Brown's TR6 query:
>Is the oil pressure gauge a reliable indicator?
>Is there any way to cause the instrument to read
>higher than the true pressure?
>Do the gauge and the oil press switch read the
>same thing (pressure at the same place in the

I agree with Andy Mace's response: The gauge is such a simple mechanism
it'd be  difficult to booger it, and the gauge and switch come from the
same place on the block on my '72 TR6, just up from the oil pump. Agree the
switch is most likely problem with wiring bodge second place. Mine had all
the lamps swapped around too (must be proof of entropy? ;-), including a
few I never did figure out. In all likelihood your wiring won't exactly
match any of the diagrams in Haynes or Bentley but you can figure out the
basics. The switch is normally closed, grounding the lower leg of the oil
light, and switches off at a few PSI maybe 10 or so. If light goes on and
off when you ground and unground the wire at the switch, your wiring is OK.

Gary Schneider, Nicolet Instrument Technologies
phone: 608-276-6172, Fax: 608-273-5061, Internet:

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