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Still BLOODY leaking!!!

Subject: Still BLOODY leaking!!!
From: Nick Benson <grayoak@holly.ColoState.EDU>
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 23:49:26 -0600 (MDT)
1975 Spitfire

Original problem:       Two year old brake master cylinder leaking at the 
                        junction of the reservoir and cylinder, front end.

Suggested solution:     Remove reservoir, sand off high points with emery 
                        and block, re-assemble using RTV sealant.

I am totally pissed off tonight since I discovered that my master 
cylinder is STILL leaking.  

I drained and removed the master cylinder, removed the plastic reservoir, 
carefully sanded off some high points, used the expensive RTV sealer, 
clamped it back together, AND IT STILL LEAKS!

I can't believe it.  The reservoir is under no operates by 

Maybe I should coat the whole "O" ring both sides, and down into its 
recess, which I din't do since I was afraid that it would end up in the 
master cylinder, or brake lines.....

Anyone out "there" encountered and solved this problem?

Nick D. Benson
Dept. of Industrial Sciences
Colorado State University
Fort Collins  CO

'75 Spitfire
'78 Midget

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