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Re: Still BLOODY leaking!!!

To: grayoak@holly.ColoState.EDU
Subject: Re: Still BLOODY leaking!!!
From: (Pat Willems (@chong))
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 95 12:05:08 CDT
Nick wrote:
>1975 Spitfire
>Original problem:  Two year old brake master cylinder leaking at the 
>                   junction of the reservoir and cylinder, front end.
>Suggested solution:Remove reservoir, sand off high points with emery 
>                   and block, re-assemble using RTV sealant.
>I drained and removed the master cylinder, removed the plastic reservoir, 
>carefully sanded off some high points, used the expensive RTV sealer, 
>clamped it back together, AND IT STILL LEAKS!

>Anyone out "there" encountered and solved this problem?

I have a '72 Spit and yes, I encountered this problem but you are not
going to like my solution--I bought a new MC.  Now I did not do it just
for this problem, my old MC had many problems--leaking at the
reservoir/cylinder interface was just one of them.  My memory on this
is foggy--it was probably at least 15 yrs ago when I worked on this.
I tried the same fix as you in doing the sanding and RTV and it slowed
the leak somewhat but never fixed it totally.

I suggest you try an oversize O-ring (not a larger outside diameter but
a larger tubular diameter, if you know what I mean).  I don't like the
design of this interface.  The plastic reservoir most likely creeps
with time leading to distortion and two screws are not the best method
of preloading this interface.  Take it off again and check/sand the
surfaces once more and try an oversize O-ring.  Let me know if it
works.  I will probably be doing the same when I put the MC back in my

Pat Willems

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