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TR-3 or early 4 seat rebuilding--big springs

Subject: TR-3 or early 4 seat rebuilding--big springs
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 1995 00:24:30 -0400
My first TR had the early style bucket seats with coil spring bottom cusions.
 I remember liking them much more than the later seats in my second TR.  For
the past couple of years, I've been using a set of 71 TR-6 seats out of a
junk yard car, and just never used the tonneau cover cause of the head rests.

Well, I just finished having the old set redone.  New springs and cover kit
from Moss.  They look OK, not perfect but pretty good, but they aren't the
wonders of simplicity and comfort that I remember.  

Has anyone else used the Moss springs for a seat rebuild?  I wanna know if
those springs will "settle down" a little with some use?  I'm looking *over*
the windsheild at the moment.

As a side note, I could also use some seatbelts.  Anyone got some spare ones
they want to sell?  Particularly the big 3" wide kind.

That's all for now.

Scott Tilton
Riding High in Richmond Virginia

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