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Re: Rimmer Bros On-Line

To: (Rory Bernard),
Subject: Re: Rimmer Bros On-Line
From: (Bret Cravens)
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 1995 23:01:06 -0700
I'm sending this to the list because I think Rory deserves a big hand of
virtual applause.  Excellent work on the page!

Now, I know Rimmer Bros. covers many more cars than the Herald and Vitesse;
do you have plans to expand the site to cover the other models they sell
parts for?  I'm specifically curious because they're one of the best
suppliers of parts for my car, and difficult for me to access from here in
the USA.

My car?  I almost hesitate to say it, but it's a, um, er, (whispered) STAG.

But even tho it's an orphan, it's fully restored and on the road again.  I
wouldn't trade it for the world.  But heaven help me when it comes time to
replace the brake pads or any other parts for it.  You wouldn't believe how
difficult it is to get parts for the Stag over here.

>The Rimmer Brothers price list and catalogue is now available on line at the
>following address
>Mor information will be placed up here as it becomes available (all the
>catalogues and maintenance help etc.)
>The current schedule is to finish this by the end of August.

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