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More on the maybe TR7

Subject: More on the maybe TR7
From: (Thomas Augustus Kimberly)
Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 00:13:07 -0400 (EDT)
Cc:, RLET@wcnd.utrecht.ATTGIS.COM,,
So.. apparently the consensus on buying a TR7 is to buy a solid example
and to take good care of it.  Well, this so far appears to be a solid
example and it is up to Maria to take care of it but it has two immediate
things which create big question marks in my mind:
1. The car shimmys horribley coming to a stop.  The owner sez that it is
wanting an alignment.  The symptoms seem to point more towards front
rotors needing turning or replacing but I don't know what all causes
2. The AC compressor is bad.  Owner claims it has a stuck valve which can
be repaired and that the compresseor is the same one as Ford used at that
time.  Is this really a Ford type compressor and how much would one be
looking at to rebuild or replace the compressor in this car?

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