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Re: TR6 Cooling

Subject: Re: TR6 Cooling
From: (Thomas Augustus Kimberly)
Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 21:52:37 -0400 (EDT)
> As I mentioned in a previous post, the gauge seems to settle in at 1/2 
> scale after 10 minutes or so of running, no matter what the 
> temperature. Regarding rust in the radiator, none is evident although I 
> suspect the radiator is a fairly recent replacement. When I replaced 
> the thermostat housing gasket I did notice quite a bit of rusty scale 
> under the thermostat, inside the head. How can I tell if there's a 
> blockage, or if the water pump is pooped?
>         Bruce Krobusek
>         Rochester   NY
>           '83 R80RT
>            '72 TR6

On my '72 TR6 the guage always sits in the middle once up to temperature. 
It has always done this since I got the car and I believe my entire
cooling system is working properly.  I've never had problems with it. 
Sometimes if I am doing like eighty for a while in top gear it might move
a little lower or start to rise in gridlocked traffic.  I've only once had
it threaten to actually overheat in slow traffic and then I was low on
coolant and it dropped back to the mid-point once i was able to get the
car off the highway and moving once again.

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