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TR6 miscellany

Subject: TR6 miscellany
Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 15:42:18 -0400

>> It wasn't really the mess that bothered me. I never did get the 
>> canister out from the engine! I just couldn't find a spot large 
>You really do have to read my WWW page -- it sounds like you had
>almost the exact same experience!  

I'd love to, but I have to wait until AOL finally provides WWW support.

>You can, by the way, get the canister out through the bottom by 
>loosening the clutch slave cylinder. 

I saw that and thought about it, but I had already screwed with the 
slave cylinder (replaced it) and had no desire to look at it again! <g>

>Also, since you have two seals in between the cannister, be sure to 
>check that regularly for leaking.  Oil can pour out astonishingly fast! 

Thanks *very* much for the warning!

>You would do well to check the engine number.  It should be in the 
>range of 0-200 numbers to the chassis number.  

It is. Curioser and curioser...

>> <Embarassed grin> I'm somewhat ashamed to admit that I bought the 
>>first TR I looked at. 
>You may have gotten lucky.

I certainly hope so. Ask me again in six months! <g>                     

>For parts, your best bet is "The Roadster Factory."

I am very good friends (already) with the people at TRF (friendly, 
knowledgable, slightly high prices). And Moss Motors (not as friendly 
as TRF, but prices are better). And one other place whose name escapes 
me (no frills, but they had the master cylinder rebuild kit I needed). 

The previous owner of the car made a point of giving me his TRF 
catalogs as I bought the car.  :)

        Bruce Krobusek
        Rochester   NY
          '83 R80RT
           '72 TR6

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