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Re: tr3 speedo and fuel gauges

Subject: Re: tr3 speedo and fuel gauges
From: (Paul Swengler)
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 05:33:30 -0400
>Hello all!
>Could anyone advise me on how to get my TR3 speedometer to read accurately 
>and steadily?  I've taken this thing apart a dozen times, cleaned it 
>thoroughly and made sure all moving parts worked freely.  But no matter what 
>I do, the thing still flickers in a 20-30 mph range and generally reads 20-40 
>mph over what it should, based on the tach reading. 


The simple test is to eliminate the speedooooo

        1 disconnect the speedo and the tach. 
        2 connect the tach cable to speedo and the speedo cable to the
        3 drive the car. if the speedo still jerks around it's the guage.
          if the tacho jumps around it's the cable.
        4 then fix the problem.

>Also, I have a problem with my fuel gauge or sending unit, don't know which.  
>When the tank is full, the fuel gauge reads only 1/4 full.  Before I put the 
>car in storage for 16 years, it worked fine.  Now after restoration two years 
>ago, it doesn't.  Can't figure.  Can the gauge be calibrated?  Should I try 
>to do it?  Or is the problem with the sending unit?  Can the sending unit be 
>calibrated or adjusted?  Maybe I got the wiring wrong - any ideas?

To eliminate the sending unit get a "aligator clip" jumper from someone like
radio shack. at the sending unit (top of the tank) connect the green wire to
the black wire. with the ignition on the guage should read full. If it
doesn't then either the sending unit is bad or the float isn't floating. If
the car has sat a long time rust could attack either of these parts and make
them function incorrectly.

Good luck and Aloha

>Al McClure     
>Daily driver - 1960 TR3A 

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