In message <Pine.3.89.9504271046.A9112-0100000@netserv> Michael Burdick writes:
> On Thu, 27 Apr 1995 RGS03%ALBNYDH2.bitnet@UACSC2.ALBANY.EDU wrote:
> > I don't know if even the concours judges can complain about
> > "period-correct" mods. Does any one have a copy of the VTR Concours
> > rules handy?
> The last VTR national meet I attended was in Savannah. At that time,
> _any_ mod, period or otherwise, counted against you. In fact, if you had
> 2 "major" mods, you were bumped to the modified class. So if you were
> like me and had a weber and a header, you were forced to display
> your car with race cars that are pure works of art! Now I'm not in it
> for the hardware by a long shot, but it's not much fun having people
> pass over the object of your blood, sweat, and tears, to get to that
> killer GT6 or monster SCCA TR6!
I had a friend swap the DCOEs on his TR3 back to SUs right after the Seattle VTR
meet because he HATED having to put his very nice looking TR3 with the
modifieds. He was a very unhappy camper and did not wanted his car treated so
badly again. He has a very nicely restored TR3, that he keeps immaculate and
drives a lot. But like me, he got a little carried away during the restoration
If I have to park my car with the race cars & away from the other TR3s, why
bring it to the VTR national meet? Why go? I realize I'm out of the running
for concourse. I made a consious decision to make period modicications that I
know would cost me concourse points. But that shouldn't force my car into a
"lepers" status. DCOEs, headers and polished parts are not necessarily
So maybe VTR should change its rules and let people display their cars in the
class they feel is most appropriate for their car. So what if its not concourse
competitive. people are there to have fun, and naturally resent having "the
object of your blood, sweat, and tears" treated as a "leper"
TeriAnn Wakeman .sig closed for remodeling