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To: Triumph owners list <>
Subject: Turbo
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 95 13:32:04 EDT
Comments: Converted from PROFS to RFC822 format by PUMP V2.2X
Re: VTR concours rules.
Well, looks like I opened up another can of worms. Must be my week for it.
Actually I shouldn't get involved in this discussion, being a VTR board
member and all, but I will anyway.

There have been objections to the VTR Concours rules right from the time
the draft rules were sent out for comment. Several people sent comments and
objections to the chief judge but the rules were adopted as drafted, and
without addressing some valid concerns of the people who enter the concours.
Evidence that those who objected to certain parts of the concours rules
are right can be seen in the dramatic increase in the Participant's Choice
entry and the corresponding drop in Concours entry at the VTR Nationals
since these rules have been adopted.

So what to do? Maybe it's time to organize. Is there enough support
to get a petition together to force VTR to make changes in the rules?

Rik Schlierer                        "Keep a good thought"
RGS03@HEALTH.STATE.NY.US                 (B. MILLER)

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