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Re: Labeling situations

To: bob josten <bobjosten@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: Labeling situations
From: Chris Thompson <chris@cthompson.net>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 20:59:07 -0400
I think we just had this discussion two months ago or so.  In the E-type 
world, repro VIN tags are de rigeur for a ground-up restoration, and 
there is active, shameless, discussion on how to best reproduce the 
stampings.  Nobody even talks about whether it is legal or not.

Of course, they don't have the fraud problems we do - perhaps it's a 
somewhat unique situation here.

BTW, just added to my Brit car collection - a Mini-Moke.  Anybody know 
what that is?


bob josten wrote:

> I understand how someone can make a bunch of 'new' vin tag blanks but 
> how are the buyers of these blanks going to try and fake the punched 
> numbers and letters? That part of the process seems the most difficult.
> Isn't the punch typeface an odd size and font?
> I always imagine someone buying one of these tags off of ebay, 
> spending countless hours figuring out the best way to approximate the 
> punched vin information and then as they pop the hood for the first 
> time at a club event they get the question 'wow, where did you get 
> that fake vin tag?' before they can finish propping open the hood.
> Bob

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