Counterfeit VIN tags are being sold as "continuation VIN tags", whatever
that is supposed to be. Bottom line, they are counterfeit blank plates
and their use in being installed on a vehicle is illegal in most
states. VIN numbers for legal vehicles without VIN ID plates are
issued by the state government agencies overseeing vehicle control.
In California, it is the Highway Patrol, working with the DMV. They
assign their OWN number.
There is NO legal use for these blank plates, and to use them would be
considered fraudulent, even if the information was accurate, as it was
not originally made and mounted by the manufacturer.
Bob Diehl wrote:
> Unless I'm mistaken, you can now get "Continuation" VIN tags on ebay.
> bob_diehl
> At 12:51 PM 4/11/2005 -0700, Stephen Waybright wrote:
>> "Continuation parts" is an intersting concept.
Steve Laifman
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