I'm having some difficulty in figuring out the hook-up of the Ammeter. I have
rewired my Tiger to add a 14 fuse fusing block. I have everything re-wire and
functional... except the Ammeter. Please note that even though it was
installed in my car, the Ammeter was not hooked up and there is no apparent
wiring indicating that it ever was! Also, due to my re-wiring I would not
follow conventional Tiger wiring, so this question is to a General/Generic
Ammeter installation. Thanks for any help you might provide. Tom Witt
Below I have two concepts, "A" and "B" (assuming they go through the sever as
I typed them - view full screen).
"A" shows hooking the Alternator up to the "In" side of the Ammeter.
"B" shows hooking the Alternator up to the "Out" side of the Ammeter.
Which is correct???
Note: * Indicate connection points
Concept "A" (alternator connects to the "In" side of Ammeter)
Alternator output -----------*
*------------------- In/ Ammeter
/Out-------- Fuse box ----- Everything Electrical
+ Pos. 12 volts ------------- * In/ Solenoid /Out (to starter)
Concept "B" (alternator connects to the "Out" side of Ammeter)
Alternator output-------------------------------------------------------*
*-------------------In/ Ammeter
/Out *----- Fuse box ----- Everything Electrical
+ Pos. 12 volts -------------* In/ Solenoid /Out (to starter)