I'm sure you are correct on this one Allan; Steve informed me of such as
well. I believe Woody plagiarized this line in "Annie Hall", which is why I
associate the quote with him.
Deflated in San Diego,
At 07:37 AM 3/9/99 -0800, Allan Connell wrote:
>Sorry Bob, though you are usually very infallible (not inflatable,) you
>missed this one.
>Groucho Marx said: ".....I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a
>member!" Probably long before Woody Allen was born. I believe this line
>came from "A Day At The Races"
>All Hail Lennon and Marx !!
>A serious Marx Brothers fan in Sandyeggo.
Robert L. Palmer
Dept. of AMES, Univ. of Calif., San Diego