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Re: carb

To: Alicia <larisab@ix7.ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Re: carb
From: James Barrett <jamesbrt@mindspring.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 21:20:16 -0400
At 07:35 AM 6/25/98 -0400, you wrote:
>thanks for all the info so far. should gas just weep out of the sight hole
>with engine off or at idle ?

Both, be sure your Tiger is on level ground.  Vibration may cause
extra fuel to slosh out of the sight hole.  It is dangerous to run the
motor with the sight plug out.  Keep a fire extinguser handy!

 >and how about air screws on the sides? 

Start at 3/4 turn out then adjust for good idle.  Try hooking up a vacuum
gauge (unported vacuum) then adjust for best vacuum.

>I adjusted float with engine off and now it wants to cut out when it first
>between idle and 1/4 throdle and seams to cut in and out at speed. I have
>rebuilt the carb, but have never got it adjusted right.

Sounds like a bad needle and seat, fuel pump or clogged fuel line or filter.

Check your PVC valve, the hose connection plus the block under the carb for
excess carbon.  PVC blocked= run too rich.  PVC hose leak= run too lean. 

>but now its
>driveable i can find all the problems and test at speed on the road. I know
>over heating is a big problem to and have read many treads on it but never
>saw a safe temp number to compare, it runs hot but dosn't seam to boil
>over.                         thanks again
>                                     Dan
>Alicia & Dan

James Barrett Tiger II 351C and others

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