Here, here, Colin! As another relatively new owner stuck in the backwater
where my goal is to one day park my Tiger next to somebody else's, I am
amazed at how much ill will is generated among those with so much in
common. Looks pretty childish from South Louisiana too. Oh well, as they
say, there is no feud like a family feud.
Jim Pickard
> From: Colin Cobb <>
> To: Steve Sage <>
> Cc: Tiger List <>
> Subject: Re: Tigers United
> Date: Wednesday, June 17, 1998 8:36 AM
> Hey Gang,
> Lord how I hate to contribute to the smoke and fire that is currently
> dominating the list traffic... As an outsider--I've only had my MKI a
> few months, never attended any Tiger function, never met any official or
> member of any Tiger group--I gotta tell you how all this looks from the
> wilds of New Mexico.