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Tigers United

To: Tiger List <tigers@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Tigers United
From: Steve Sage <rootes@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 00:58:22 -0700
Hello Everyone:

Here an answer to some questions and a few of my comments for you to
have fun with!

1. The term concours, as used in conjunction with our Sunbeams, has
generally been accepted as meaning a place we show our cars, have them
judged by one criteria or the other through the years, and enjoy looking
at the rest of the cars. That's my definition, too. Whatever criteria is
used for judging, as long as everyone's car is judged by the same
criteria, I feel that's fair.

2. As far as a "Masters Class" or whatever else, whomever puts on the
next event and concours is of course welcome to create whatever
categories they'd like, and I'll be as happy as a clam in mud for them
too! The classifications for this year's Tigers United; Stock,
Personalized and Modified, Alpines and Other Rootes Cars, are, other
than the addition of the Alpine and Other Rootes classes, exactly as has
been the case for many years. Since I'm kind of a traditional sort when
it comes to my Sunbeams, I'll stick to tradition.

3. As to the cost of the event, entries have been hovering around the
current rates for quite some time. There are FOUR meals included in the
entry cost. The reason for the $35 for EXTRA guests for the evening
means is such: The hotel charges almost that much. Also, another member
of the list was confused as to what the charge for the Sunday dinner,
for an extra person would be, and this is the same amount of $35. I hope
this clears up this issue. A reference was made by a member as to "the
inflexibility of my own club" in the pricing for the dinner prices. Not
naming names, in the profession you practice, I believe you might have
studied discrimination law and one of your professors may have gone over
the fact that charging different prices to different people could be
construed as discrimination at worse, or favoritism at "best".

A reference was made as such: "Are we trying to gouge people to make up
for some kind of short fall?" The answer is no, we are not. The event
should break even, or come out a bit ahead, if attendance holds. I do
appreciate your concern in this matter, though. It's good to see someone
interested in sound fiscal policies.

We could have held the event at a Motel 6, or the Northwoods.
Personally, I think the Northwoods is nicer. By the way, someone made a
comment that they don't have a choice of what they get to eat on
Saturday. My dictionary defines buffet, paraphrasing here, as a meal at
which you have a choice of several items to choose from. Again, being
the traditional sort, I will not deem to change the meaning of the word
buffet. There was another comment that the $79 room rate is HIGHER than
the regular rate that weekend at the Northwoods. This is incorrect. In
fact the $79 is LOWER.

4. Another member of the list suggested that a party who complained
about the cost of the meals for extra guests might need to "track down
the Sages". We're moving on Saturday, not sooner, and the phone company
has invented, recently it must be, an incredible new advance of
technology called "recorded referral numbers". The way this works, and
man, is it amazing, is that you call the old number, and a recorded
voice somehow knows the new phone number and tells you what it is. Then,
with this information, you can actually call the NEW number and talk to
the same people you would have before!! What will they think of next!!!

5. Another Sunbeam friend commented that this is the least organized
United ever because I am "not returning E-mail, or working with the
membership". Friend, I have responded to you personally and now here on
the list, and to dozens of others. I'd appreciate it if you'd back off a
bit from spreading falsehoods to the group. Thanks for your help in this
matter! You also made a comment that the $35 for an extra guest at the
dinners must include a room for that much money. I guess you're right,
$35 these days for a resort hotel room is mighty steep, especially if it
doesn't include dinner too!

6. Another poster, to quote, adds "There's been nothing but silence from
our illustrious TUXXII organizer Steve Sage et al". I can't speak for
Mr. et al, whoever that is, but as for me, please refer to the probably
20 previous posts I've made to the list, plus the last four issues of
Tiger Tales. All those incredibly brilliantly written bits in the
magazine, including the famous "Arnold Schwartzeneger and the editor
will twist you into the little girly boy pretzel you really are if you
don't attend this year's Tigers United", were written by me!!!!!
Whoopie!!!! (That's a poem!!)

7. Another reference was made as such:  "...following the fiasco at last
year's pooper scooper car show, my partner and I .......(names deleted
to protect someone).....volunteered our services in open forum.....".
Unfortunately, I must not have been at the open forum and somehow my
phone must have blocked the calls attempted in an effort to reach me to
volunteer these services. I'll think about calling the phone company
right now to get this additional problem corrected! Also, there must
have been two concours/"car show" events at Tigers United last year that
you referred to. The one I went to was not a "fiasco", some incredible
historical Sunbeam cars were displayed, Jane and I (and the stealthily
carried Carrie the CAT dog), and most of the people we talked to,
enjoyed it a lot, and we're still talking about the event and how well
it was run. I'd like to again compliment Norm Miller on a fantastic
event. I know he and his co-workers put many, many, many hours into it
and they did a great job of it. The photos I took of all three LeMans
Tigers, the first two Tiger prototypes and the last Tiger ever made,
plus lots of other incredibly beautiful Sunbeams, were worth the trip
there all by themselves. The "fiasco" that was mentioned must have been
at some other car event taking place the same day. Sorry you couldn't
get the correct directions to Tigers United. We've tried to make this
easier this year by having the map on the back of Tiger Tales a couple
of months ago. Better luck this year on getting to the right event!

Well, I know this was reeeeeal long, but I didn't want to leave anyone

Now, I don't know about you guys and gals, but I plan on sprucing up my
mighty 100+ horsepower Alpine, loading up the car with Jane and Carrie,
and heading up to Big Bear in less than two weeks, and having a darn fun
time of it too!

Hey, and thanks for all the letters of support Jane and I have received.

See ya all there!!!!!!!

Steve Sage

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