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Re: Tigers United

To: modtiger@engravers.com, rootes@ix.netcom.com
Subject: Re: Tigers United
From: RSpontelli@aol.com
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 01:15:26 EDT
In a message dated 98-06-18 03:12:30 EDT, modtiger@engravers.com writes:

<< It is apparent that a lot of prospective attendees have residual problems
 with the events past that color their perception of the current and future

Yeah.  After attending eleven such events, then getting butt-humped at the
registration table and watching all your "friends" stand around saying "Wow!
Look at Ramon & Theresia getting butt-humped over there . . ." would cause
most rational people to "have residual problems" alright.

<<In all of the events that Bette and I have attended, we have never
 failed to enjoy the overall event or left with any regrets about attending.>>

Never been butt-humped at the registration table, have you Tom?

<<Over the years we felt that the event  needed some
 standardization and the result was the TU Handbook.  It's not complete,
 doesn't deal with all possible situations, and hopefully allows the event
 organizers to personalize the events as circumstances warrant.>>

And it has never been published.  It's probably not intended for current or
future butt-humpee prospects?

<<Most event organizers have the toughest time just trying to get enough
 volunteers to provide the most basic concours evaluation, and the people
 that do volunteer are by in large (technically speaking) concours amateurs.
  They don't know the nitty-gritty details the way the experts do.  After
 looking at 20 or so Tigers, it's 3 hours later everything starts to look
 the same and their done for the day, I've done it many times and I know how
 it works. You can't even get good repeatability or uniformity between the
 current classes.>>

True.  Absolutely true.  Lends credence to the position that the type of
concourse judging some people . . . Jeff and Jan? . . . want at Tigers United
can never happen. 
<< . . . I'd say it's a good thing that we're scheduled to shelve Tigers
 United in lieu of the third SUNI event next year.>>

That means as soon as it's over in Big Bear we can all start pissin' an'
moanin' 'bout SUNI?


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