I would not re-adjust the hub if it were not right on. The fan belt
can take some mis-alignment. The first water pump on my Tiger MKIA
was not aligned correctly, about 1/8" to 1/4" out. The fan belt had
no problem with this, it just looked out of alignment. I shimmed the
generator bracket forward to reduce the belt angle. When I rebuilt
the water pump, I used the 4.875 " distance, removed the shims and
everything lined up perfect.
The last water pump I rebuilt, for a MKII Tiger, required the use of
an 18" arbor press. I was just able to remove the hub and press it
back on later, so the interference fit between the hub and shaft is
very good. If the hub goes on too easy then there is a problem, a
Loctite product might work .
I have rebuilt 2 water pumps and I was able to get within .025" of
the TE/AE numbers, that is probably better than many rebuilders unless
they have a press with adjustable stops. I do not know what the
tolerence is for this distance, my guess is .050" to .100".
Ron Fraser