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Re: Canadian Fans -Reply

To: johnson@ids.net, nicholsj@oakwood.org
Subject: Re: Canadian Fans -Reply
From: John Crawley <johnc@nait.ab.ca>
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 16:08:09 -0600
The 5-blade fan info. seems to have been taken from some research that
I did on cooling. The air conditioning instructors in the college that I work
in told me that 5-bladed asymmetrical fans cool better than symmetrical 6
blades fans because they set up a moving vortex of air rather then a
whirl wind drawing from one place. They are installed to keep fan noise
down as the moving vortex is quieter than a stable one but they cool
better since the air is drawn from more than one spot on a rad. They do
not move more air they just move it differently. True or not I do not know .
. . any comments? What I do know is that I use a Volvo fan  on my TIGER
with a full surround rad should and have never had it over-heat including
pulling my fully loaded tent trailer up hill, in stop and go traffic through
construction at 115 F. Works for me.

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