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Re: [Spridgets] vibration at 35mph....and then some...

To: spridgets list <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] vibration at 35mph....and then some...
From: brian S <bugeye15@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 19:18:25 -0500
Are your wheel bearings all tight?
Tie Rods tight? rack mount tight?
Does the vibration change at all with RPM? ie 3rd, 4th or 5th gear?
Does it change if you push in the clutch or put the car in neutral?

Brian S.
Bugeyeracer finally resto'ed!

> Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 09:49:23 -0800
> From: eap2140@yahoo.com
> To: Spridgets@autox.team.net
> Subject: [Spridgets] vibration at 35mph....and then some...
> My car is experiencing a vibration at 35mph or so. It worsens if you
> try to go any faster. The mechanic's thoughts on this are that the
> drive shaft is at a severe angle causing the u-joints to bind. I have a
> 78 Midget with a 1275 and Datsun transmission. We recently installed
> the rebuilt motor (it was pulled and installed with the tranny). Has
> anyone experienced anything like this? Could there be an alignment
> issue with the way it was re-installed? The suggestions are to look for
> a lower transmission rear mount and install wedges at the axle. I found
> the 2 degree wedges at Summit and I'm wondering if I need 2 or 4
> degrees. Do I need to pull the engine and trans to install a lowered
> rear mount? The other thing he noted was that the yoke is bottomed out
> on the rear of the transmission leaving me no play for the suspension.
> Potentially causing bearing wear. My first course of action will be to
> take the drive-shaft to the shop for evaluation and shortening.
> Thoughts on how much I should shorten it? The U-joints are an unknown.
> They flop around loosely when the drive shaft is out of the car. Not
> sure if they are supposed to be firm. There is no lateral slop in them.
> This is never-ending. All I want to do is drive my freakin' car.
> _______________________________________________

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