No highs?
No lows?
Must be Bose.
-----Original Message-----
From owner-spridgets at []
On Behalf Of Bill L
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 11:13 AM
To: Brad Fornal
Cc: spridgets
Subject: Re[2]: Stereo stuff (wasRe: GM going down, WITH LEC content
Hello Brad,
i remember RTR's Great stuff...
back in '76 i bought a pair of Klipsch Heresy speakers (VERY
effecient) and a 100 watt+ McIntosh Amp and Pre-amp. still
going strong...will play loud enough that you can't even hear
yourself talk, but the system has full rich sound even at
background level volume. .. (unlike BOSE!)... back in 86, i
blew out a midrange driver... i called them up (Hope Arkansas)
to get a new horn.. they asked if i needed a whole midrange
horn, or if i just wanted the voice coil part! i was able to
open up the box, take apart the horn and replace the coil. now
THAT's Service... .. and OH, i checked on ebay recently about
the AMP... worth more dollars now than what i paid almost 30
years ago!